24 October 2007

Poo - no ? ...... Si !

firstly a little inside joke in the title there. we have noticed that our guides in peru speak pretty good english but have developed a really really annoying habit of finishing each sentence with no? as in - the Inca split the stones with wood and water no ?

the plan for Puno was terrific.

The Puno Plan turned out to be pants.
we booked a hostel online. it looked gorgeous. on the shores of Lake Titicaca and supposedly 20 minutes walk from Puno.
turns out ... Hotel La Glorieta not so gorgeous and actually 25km from Puno.

so we turned it into an adventure.
we jumped in a minivan and headed back to town for 2.60 soles (instead of the 25.00 soles we paid for the taxi to get out there) and we decided that if we couldnt get the bus to Copacabana that night, then we were going to find the best damn hotel in Puno and live it up.

The Puno Plan strikes again ... the best hotel we could find was the same price as the hostel.
this was the view .......

but .. we had more adventures to come.

we had about 200 soles between us to spend - so we decided to try and find the best restaurant in Puno and blow the god damn lot.

Well .... the best restaurant in Puno is the same price as any restaurant in Cusco.
But Nell finally got her cuy (guinea pig)

and we had some wonderful Chilean red .. and dessert .. and tea.

and then we got the hell out the very next morning and now we are maxing and relaxing (doctors orders but more on that in a later post) in Copacabana, Bolivia.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you would eat a Guinea Pig, that is cruel- I don't care if you are in a place where they eat them normally or not, Guinea Pigs are some of the most loving creatures who just want to LOVE people and be with them, not be KILLED, have their FUR and SKIN RIPPED OFF, then COOKED so that some disgusting SICK PERSON can eat them. You honestly disgust me, you fucking bastard.

nell said...

That would be "fucking bitch" actually.

Is it wrong for me to think it's cool that someone is posting comments on our blog that is more than two years old?